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Most Dangerous Cities In Europe

Ranked based on the Numbeo composite crime indices for the European region, Italy, France, and the UK each have numerous cities in this "Most Dangerous" list.




No matter where one lives, works, or travels in the world, personal safety is a top priority. To aid those looking to conduct affairs abroad, has used multi-factorial analyses to take into account a number of crime-related factors to give the world's major cities rankings in their Crime Indices. Those important items factored therein include people's personal feelings on the level of crime in a given place, recent changes in crime levels, safety walking alone, fears of muggings or robberies, vehicular security, perceived threat of assault and/or battery, being annoyed, harassed, insulted, or solicited by locals, racial, ethnic, and religious intolerance, and the threat of property theft. Using such considerations and data, below are listed the Ten Most Dangerous Cities to be found in Europe today.


10. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo is the capital and largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The River Miljacka passes through this compressed city which has an estimated population of 440,000, according to World Population Review. Crime levels are moderate in Sarajevo, and Numbeo gives it a 54 out of 100 rating. That, however, doesn’t mean the city is always safe, as murders, rapes, auto thefts, burglaries, shootings, and property crimes happen regularly there, according to a 2015 OSAC Report. Petty crimes like pick-pocketing and muggings are also rife in Sarajevo's streets, especially around tourists’ and public transport hot-spots. Organized crime also operates in Sarajevo, and as such the country is part of major transit routes for drugs, weapons, and human trafficking.


9. Glasgow, Soctland
Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland. It’s a port city by the River Clyde, with an estimated population of 596,000, according to a World Population Review 2014 report. Crime levels at Glasgow are moderate, and, out of 100, Numbeo rates it at a 55.6 as of March 2016. Looking back in the annals of the city, in over three decades leading up to 2012, it was grappled with gangs, drugs, and knife crimes to an extent of being considered the United Kingdom’s most violent area by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) in 2013. In 2012, homicide rates per 100,000 people stood at 2.7 in Glasgow, while in London that same statistic was 1.67, and in the whole of the UK was 1.0. In the most recent years since 2013, homicide rates have been reduced by half, and violent crime by 30 percent, due in part to the formation of Violent Reduction Units by Scotland's police forces.


8. Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Rotterdam is an industrial port city in the South Holland province of the Netherlands. It has a population of 616,456, according to 2012 data by the Rotterdam City Council. The level of crime at Rotterdam is moderate, and its Numbeo Crime rating out of 100 is 46.67. Still, the city and its port are used by drug traffickers to smuggle illicit drugs, mostly cocaine, into Europe. Tourists visiting Rotterdam often themselves fall prey to pick-pocketing, car break-ins, and the thefts of cell phones, laptops, and other valuables, and these events occur in airports, transit stations, and trams alike, especially at night, according to a 2015 Crime and Safety Report by the OSAC. Looking at the whole of Rotterdam, Zuid is the place viewed as most insecure, largely due to poverty related to unemployment there.


7. Coventry, England
Coventry is a city in West Midlands County of Central England. It has an estimated population of 329,800 as of 2013, according to a Coventry City Council report. The economic spine of Coventry is the automobile industry. But the city suffers from a myriad of criminal acts, though crime levels in Coventry are moderate, with the Numbeo indices rating its crime level at 59.38 out of 100. Criminal activities' hot-spots in Coventry City are the Willenhall, Foleshill, Hillfields, and Wood End areas. Antisocial behavior, burglary, theft, drugs, robbery, sexual assault, and shoplifting all cause insecurity in this city. A survey conducted from July to December 2013 by the Daily Mirror showed the average crime per 100 people in Coventry was 4.78, while the UK’s average was 6.57.


6. Lille, France
Lille is the capital city of the Nord region in France, and known for its large populations of students. The city has an estimated population of 227,560 according to 2010 UN data. According to Numbeo, Lille has moderate crime levels, which are rated at 56.25 out of 100. But in recent years insecurity has increased due to youth unemployment. In 2015, according to Trading Economics, unemployment for the youth in France stood at 25.9 percent. That increased insecurity in Lille's subways as young thugs preyed on unwary passengers, and there also were sexual assaults in 2014 among women. Such incidences prompted Right-wing vigilante gangs, such as Génération Identitaire, to form, and these rogue enforcers worked to hunt down the criminals in Lille's subways.


5. Marseilles, France
Marseilles is a port city in the south of France, and dubbed as being the European "Capital of Culture". Its population was estimated at 855,000 as of 2014 according to the World Population Review. The level of crime at Marseilles is high, and out of 100 Numbeo rates it at 68.75. Petty crimes like mugging, car break-ins, snatch-and-grabs of valuables, and hardcore crimes alike happen here, largely in the city’s low income suburbs. That is attributed to the economic decline seen in Marseilles in recent years, resulting in an unemployment rate there of 13 percent. As a result, the inner city is grappling with gang wars, segregation, murders, gang-controlled drug trafficking, police corruption, and organized crime. Nonetheless, there are still safer areas in the city to visit and live.


4. Naples, Italy
Naples is the capital city of the Campania region in Southern Italy. It has an estimated population of around one million inhabitants. Tourism, commerce, and agriculture from the economic spine of Naples today, but in the past it was a vibrant industrial city. Crime levels in Naples are high, and Numbeo rates it at 68.98 out of 100 as of March of 2016. The crime in Naples is fueled by unemployment, which is estimated at being between 28 and 40 percent according to the Borgen Project since the onset of the 2008 Recession. Home burglary, pick-pocketing, vehicle break-ins, purse snatching, assaults, and drugging are common in Naples according to an OSAC 2015 report. Rental cars also become obstructed by criminals, who then proceed to grab valuables inside in the event that windows and doors are not locked. Violence related to organized crime also flares up between Camorra Mafia-like clans who control the illegal, and lucrative, waste disposal racketeering operations there.


3. Turin, Italy
Turin is a northern Italian city, and the capital of the mountainous Piedmont region. It has an estimated population of 909,193 people, which reaches 2.2 million if the metropolitan area is included, according to a 2012 report by the European Network for Accessible Tourism. Turin is vibrant with businesses, industries, and cultural centers. Crime, however, in Turin is rated as high by Numbeo, which gives the city a rating of 62.88 out of 100 as of February of 2016. According to the US Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), civil unrest is a risk factor to locals and visitors to Turin alike. This is because there are several anti-establishment groups in this city who even overwhelm local authorities at times. Still, according to ISTAT thefts, robberies and malicious property damage crimes also regularly occur in Turin.


2. Bari, Italy
Bari is a port city off of the Adriatic coast, and the capital of Puglia, a region in southern Italy. Its population is over 322,000, according to Italy’s National Institute for Statistics (ISTAT) in 2013. Criminal activity in Bari is high, and Numbeo gives it a crime level rating of 67.65 out of 100. Petty crime and street robberies in Bari’s maze-like passageways are common, and these dissuade tourists from visiting it. High unemployment due to economic stagnation also contributes to insecurity in Bari, though much of the insecurity comes from organized crime itself. According to a 2013 report by the EuroPol Public Information, Bari is a bastion of organized crime. with mafia-like “clans”, including those of the Camorra, engaging in criminal activities there. This results in high levels of violence and murders, especially when inter-clan strife comes up over the control of drugs, weapons, and cigarette smuggling into the city, and extortion within the construction sector.


1. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Rostov-on-Don is the biggest city in Southern Russia, and the capital of the Rostov region and the Southern Federal Region of Russia. The city is a vibrant industrial and business center by the banks of Don River, and the main port city for the Sea of Azov. Rostov-on-Don’s population is over 1.1 million. Crime is a majopr problem in this city, and has been on the rise in recent years, as it has been across the entire Rostov Region. Numbeo gives Rostov-on-Don a high crime rating of 77.27 out of 100. The Southern Federal Region’s proximity to the war-torn Ukrainian border region of Donbass has been cited as a major reason for the crime levels' rise here. The Rostov Interior Ministry in 2015 reported that, from April to June, an increase of crime incidences by 21.3 percent occurred. The rise was attributed to increases in the illegal trade of guns, itself fueled by the essential civil war occurring in the breakaway Donbass region of the Ukraine between Ukrainian military and loyalists and those rogue outfits with Russian sentiments.